Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Part 8 - The Garden

...As Lucinda walked down the pathway it spiraled downwards like a siphon or going down a water slide.

When she reached the edge she felt the ground go beneath her and went head first down the slide. She tried to find anything to hold onto, but there was nothing.

As Lucinda slithered down the slide the water changed. It felt cold and she saw her breath come out of her mouth. Her face tensed as she fell. What would...why...how...?

Thoughts traversed through her mind. Confused and afraid.

The fall felt like forever. Her life flashed before her eyes as she thought about Jaygon and all the time they lost. "Jaygon!" She prayed that he would hear her. If there was any hope...that he would?

Splat! Lucinda found herself covered with mud. If this had been a spa treatment she wouldn't mind. Her face was drenched in volcano ash, and she looked like she was getting a facial.

A wall of water hovered over her head. Like being in a fish tunnel. The end of the tunnel glowed and exuded heat and warmth. As she immersed herself in the sea wall the mud washed off. She was elated feeling the warm water over her face.

Suddenly, a bright light emerged at the end of the tunnel. Lucinda had to find out what was there. The tunnel spun around like a hypnotic tunnel that you'd visit at a museum. The bright and fluorescent colors ignited against the ocean. Her feet propelled against the ground eager to see more.

She was always an adventurous girl. Quiet, but courageous. She used to get into trouble frequently and misbehaved a lot. Her curiosity would get a hold of her. Once an idea hit her Lucinda didn't stop.

The light pulled her like a tractor beam, and she was on a ride like none before. The rocket power shot her across like a star. The propulsion waves mushed her face in like a pug. In a split moment she was there.

Imagine a garden in the bottom of the ocean. Flowers blooming everywhere, and they were every color that you could dream. The petals felt like velvet, and they were as enormous as trees. The fish swam through them like seaweed, and as the merfish swam near them the petals morphed into seats.

A table arose from the ground and she saw fish-like creatures moving it into grooves on the floor. The etching looked like tiny triangles that marked every corner. When the furniture clicked into place treats popped up from nowhere and landed on the shiny surface.

"Nothing special about it, but how, where did the food come from?" Lucinda wondered.

A tall shiny figure appeared from behind the water curtain. His clothes shimmered when he moved, and the merfish seemed to listen to him. When he sat down on the flowery seat more petaled chairs appeared around the table, and the merfish sat down.

Lucinda didn't know what to think. The tension grew and she knew something was about to happen. Suddenly, she heard the creature speak, "Now, let's begin!"...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Part 7 - Here Comes a Visitor

..."Which path do you seek? The easy one or the way that will challenge all you believe?"

The voice appeared from nowhere. What was strange is Lucinda and Jaygon heard it simultaneously. What was this bellowing that was in their ears?

"The choice is up to you. Choose!"

Both of them were puzzled by this. Lucinda asked the Lumites, "Do you know who that was?"
Bright smiles showed up on their faces and their giggling became louder. Like when you know what's wrapped in a box and you don't want to tell what's inside.

Jaygon saw a figure through the frozen wall. It smiled at him and morphed through the ice. A sea foam colored creature with a staff of seaweed in its hand.

"My name is Algaeus. I've been sent to help you find Lucinda. She is the key to everything."

Jaygon pleaded, "Please, tell me how!"

"She doesn't know who she really is. It's up to you to show her."


"Because you are part of the key too."

"Key?" Jaygon was confused. "To what?"

"To our world of hope that has become despair. Did you wonder why you were brought back Jaygon? Why Leviathian couldn't destroy you completely? Why you fell in love with Lucinda? It is all part of the plan."

"So...my whole life has been a 'plan'?" Jaygon snorted.

"Yes, my boy. And now it's time to know why and how."

If the aquatic creature didn't seem so friendly Jaygon would've left him in the dust. But a peace overcame him. In this dark, dank place with lava, ice, and death there was 'peace'?

When Algaeus wrapped his arms around him a surge of electricity shot through his bones energizing him and restoring his faith. "Everything's going to work out. I know it now."

Suddenly, a table emerged from water. When Algaeus pointed his staff, the ground grew legs and a base. The seawater that spun around glowed and a chalice and a platter with roast beef, mashed potatoes, and apples with cheese materialized.

"Go on, it's safe to eat," the sea being quoted.

The taste in Jaygon's mouth was tantalizing. Imagine an apple so fresh and sweet that your insides' rejoiced. Every bite of food rejuvenated his spirit. It was as if the gods aligned and everything was perfect.

How strange, considering where he was. Hot lava and ice paired together. And sitting with a fish man at a dining table with treats hovering over it. Not a typical day indeed!

What else awaited them as they embarked on their journey?...